Birmingham-The world is watching!

John and I have been enlightened by the struggles of African Americans over the last few hundred years on our current trip throughout the states from The Underground Railroad to today’s news stories.  Birmingham’s Civil Rights Institute was no exception.  The 16th St Baptist Church (seen below) as seen through the trees of the Kelly Ingram Park is where 4 young girls were murdered by an explosion in 1963.  Something most of us can remember considering the last person brought to justice for this horrific slaying was in 2002. That in itself is an injustice.

16th Street Baptist Church, Birmingham, AL

Something I learned and was appalled at was the treatment of children who marched.  Below is a monument in which the children who marched in those protests are recognized.  Over 500 were jailed at the directive of Bull Connor after he had used water cannons on them.   We will never forget his name.

A display in Kelly Ingram Park across from the BCRI

There is no possible way to explain what can be learned here that you wont learn from a text book.  At this time in history all eyes were on Birmingham.  They were pivotal in how many other cities responded to the civil rights situation.

As with any of our blogs we encourage to read up on all the places we have been.  They are fascinating!  Please go to and to see all of John’s wonderful pictures and thanks for checking up on our preciousventure.

John and Roni